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Blog posts after 1 Feb 2018 about Steppe eagles tracked from Oman can be found at the Steppe eagle blog

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Early December 2015

The tracked Egyptian vulture has settled into the area where it has spent most of its time since it was captured 11 months ago.  Early in the month it was located mostly inland from Sifa, then during 4-5 December it was on the coast south of Quriyat, and roosting on a power pylon SW of the town. In recent days it has moved back up to range in villages along the Muscat to Quriyat road (الطريف Al Traiff
الفياض Al Fiadh, حيفظ Heifdh) and made quick journey to the area around Yiti.  Although back north of the Hajar Mountains, it seems not to have visited the rubbish dump at Al Multaqua in the last two weeks.

Movements of a sub-adult Egyptian vulture during early December 2015.


  1. Hi W Al Fazari & Mike McGrady,

    Great job. I am really pleased to hear that you are doing good work in this field after you helped us in March 2013. Thanks and keep sharing it with us.


  2. Hi Houssein, Thanks. Would love to get something similar going in Djibouti. Like Oman, I think Djibouti is a stronghold (relatively speaking) for Egyptian vulture. And we want to know more about the sooty falcons!

  3. Hi Mike,

    Thanks indeed for your commitment to do something similar in Djibouti but as you know, our technical capacity to develop projects is limited and funds are not available easily in this field but absolutely we would love to work again with you and your colleagues in Oman in case there is an opportunity to develop joint programme.

    Best regards
